Gustav Grupe

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Gustav Friedrich Heinrich Grupe (born August 9, 1895 in Coppenbrügge , † June 28, 1973 in Hamburg ) was a German director and member of the parliament.

Grupe was a bank clerk; he had been a member of the NSDAP since 1929 . From 1931 to 1933 he sat for the party in the Hamburg parliament . In September 1933, Grupe became the acting director of the NDR predecessor, Nordische Rundfunk AG .

Web links

  • Gustav Grupe Short biography in: Media metropolis Hamburg - Media publics 1930–1960, 2008.

Individual evidence

  1. Death register of the Hamburg-Barmbek-Uhlenhorst registry office No. 2382/1973.
  2. Wolfram Köhler, Klaus Berg: The NDR between program and politics: Contributions to his story, 1991, p. 49