Gustav de Vries

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Gustav de Vries (born January 22, 1866 in Amsterdam , † December 16, 1934 in Haarlem ) was a Dutch mathematician . Among other things, he dealt with the propagation of waves and, together with Diederik Korteweg, set up the Korteweg-de-Vries equation .

Gustav de Vries studied at the University of Amsterdam . From 1892 to 1893 he taught at the Military Academy in Breda , and from 1893 to 1894 in Alkmaar . In 1894 he did his doctorate under Diederik Korteweg as a doctoral supervisor with the thesis Bijdrage tot de kennis der long golven (contribution to the knowledge of the long waves), which contains the Korteweg-de-Vries equation. After John Scott Russell observed such waves in 1834, the theoretical proof of their existence was long disputed (this was first shown by Joseph Boussinesq ) and Korteweg and de Vries showed this in their model. From 1894 until his retirement in 1931 he worked at the HBS en Handelsschool in Haarlem (HBS stands for Higher Citizens School). He published three mathematical articles in total, all in the 1890s.


  • with Korteweg, On the Change of Form of Long Waves advancing in a Rectangular Canal and on a New Type of Long Stationary Waves . Philosophical Magazine, 5th series, 36, 1895, pp. 422-443

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