Gustav von Mauderode

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Franz Otto Gustav Albert von Mauderode (born November 7, 1805 in Halberstadt , † November 25, 1871 in Münster ) was the Vice President of the Government in Münster.


Franz Otto Gustav Albert von Mauderode was the son of Ferdinand von Mauderode (district conqueror of Nordhausen ) and came from the imperial nobility from the 17th century. After graduating from high school in Nordhausen in 1823, he studied law at the universities of Göttingen , Berlin and Bonn . He passed his auscultator exam on November 18, 1826 with a grade of good . After the first state examination in law, he was appointed auscultator at the Halberstadt Higher Regional Court in November 1928 and as a judicial assessor at the Berlin Higher Regional Court in August 1932 . In March 1833 he was assigned to the Marienwerder Higher Regional Court, and in March 1835 he was advisor at the Bromberg Regional Court. Von Mauderode switched to Westphalian and became a government assessor at the Minden district government , where he later became a councilor. The transfer to the Münster district government fell on July 20, 1843, where he was appointed senior government councilor and head of department on October 19, 1849 . He held the title of Vice President of the Government with his appointment from June 23, 1862.

Von Mauderode was a member of the historical association in Münster.


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