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Gutuater is the name of a religious dignitary of the Gauls in some inscriptions from the Gallo-Roman period. In Aulus Hirtius , the person responsible for the revolt of the Carnutes against the Romans is so called.

Inscriptions and etymology

The title Gutuater is mentioned on four inscriptions , without the religious function or meaning being clearly recognizable. They come from Le Puy-en-Velay ( Haute-Loire ), Autun and Mâcon (both Saône-et-Loire ).

The name Gutuater is possibly derived from the Indo-European word root * ĝ h u- , gutu- , air. guth ("voice") and -ater , -athir ("father", from the Latin pater with Celtic p- loss). Its original task was probably the invocation of the God to be summoned to be sacrificed.

Commentarii de bello Gallico

In the Commentarii de bello Gallico (bG VIII, 38) the author Aulus Hirtius, who completed Caesar's work, writes that he had the Gutuater of the Carnutes executed as a warmonger ( concitator belli ). Allegedly at the instigation of the Roman soldiers, he is said to have been killed by whipping and beheading. However, it is also suspected that it could have been the leader of the Carnutes with the name Cotuatus (bG VII 3), which is, however, not undisputed. Gutuatrum (accusative) can be found in the manuscripts , which some commentators read as cotuatum .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Birkhan: Celts. Attempt at a complete representation of their culture. P. 896.
  2. CIL XIII, 1577 adlector?] Ferrariar (um) gutuater praefectus colon (iae) [3] / [3] qui antequam hic quiesco liberos meos [3] / [3] utrosq (ue) vidi Nonn (ium) Ferocem flam ( inem) IIvirum to [
  3. CIL XIII, 11225 ] Aug (usto) sa [cr (um)] / deo An / vallo Nor / baneius / Thallus / Gutuater / v (otum) s (olvit) l (ibens) m (erito)
  4. CIL XIII, 11226 ] Aug (usto) sacr (um) / deo Anvallo / C (aius) Secund (us) Vi / talis Appa / Gutuater / d (edit?) / S (ua) p (ecunia) ex voto
  5. CIL XIII, 2585 C (ai) Sulp (ici) M (arci) fil (ii) Galli omnibus / honoribus apud suos func (ti) / IIvir (i) q (uinquennalis) flaminis Aug (usti) P [3] OGEN (?) / dei Moltini Gutuatri (?) Mart [is] / Ul (toris?) cui ordo quod esset civ [is] / optimus et innocentissimus / statuas publ (icas) ponendas decrev (it)
  6. a b Wolfgang Meid: Celtic religion in the testimony of language . P. 24 f.
  7. Wolfgang Meid: The Celts. P. 101 f.
  8. a b Bernhard Maier: Lexicon of the Celtic religion and culture . P. 153 f.
  9. Helmut Birkhan: Celts. Attempt at a complete representation of their culture. P. 899.
  10. Caesar, bG VIII, 38,3: [Caesar] princepem sceleris illias et concitatorem belli gutuatrum ad supplicium depoposcit.
  11. Helmut Birkhan: Celts. Attempt at a complete representation of their culture. Pp. 242, 918.