Guy Beaujouan

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Guy Beaujouan (born June 23, 1925 in Orléans , † October 5, 2007 in Paris ) was a French science historian.

Beaujouan attended the Lyceum in Angers and studied at the École nationale des chartes with a diploma as a palaeographer and archivist. He also had a diploma from the Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE) and received his doctorate in 1947 with a dissertation on the history of arithmetic in the Middle Ages. From 1947 to 1960 he was a curator in the National Archives , with the exception of two years (1950 to 1952) in the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid (École des hautes études hispaniques). From 1959 he conducted research for the CNRS (Attaché and then Chargé de Recherche) and from 1963 was Director of Studies (Directeur d'études) at the Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE).

He dealt with the history of science in the Middle Ages and especially Spain.

He was a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History in Madrid and the Royal Academy of Fine Literature in Barcelona. Beaujouan was Vice President of the Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences . He was a knight of the Legion of Honor and commander of the Palmes académiques and Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres .

In 2005 he received the Koyré Medal .

Fonts (selection)

  • Manuscrits scientifiques médiévaux de Salamanque, 1962
  • Médecine humaine et vétérinaire à la fin du moyen age, 1966
  • La Science en Espagne aux XIVeet XVe siècles, 1967
  • Astronomy dans la péninsule ibérique à la fin du moyen age, 1969
  • Par raison de nombres, 1991
  • Science médiévale d'Espagne et d'alentour, 1992

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Recherches sur l'histoire de l'arithmétique au Moyen Âge
  2. Annuaire des membres… 1950–1951, 41 e promotion with year of birth 1935.