Gvozden Flego

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Gvozden Srećko Flego, 2013

Gvozden Srećko Flego (born April 1, 1946 in Zagreb ) is a Croatian philosopher and politician.


He studied philosophy and Indology and received his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Zagreb in 1983 (subject: Fromm's and Marcuse's view of alienation ). There he worked as an assistant, lecturer and associate professor since 1974, and from 1997 to 2002 he headed the chair for political and social philosophy and philosophical anthropology. In 1987/88 he had a research stay funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the universities of Frankfurt and Konstanz .

From 2000 to 2002 he was a member of the board of the Croatian Helsinki Committee . In Ivica Račan's second cabinet (July 30, 2002 to December 23, 2003) he was Minister for Science and Technology. Without being a member of any party, he is involved in committees of the Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske . In the general election on November 25, 2007 , he won a seat as a candidate for this party. He was a member of the Croatian Parliament for two terms, from January 2008 to December 2015 .


As editor

As translator


Web links

  • Homepage as a member of parliament: 6th and 7th electoral term (Croatian)
  • Short biography on the homepage of the Goethe-Institut (German)
  • Short biography on the homepage of the Forum for Freedom of Education (English)
  • Short biography on the homepage of Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske (Croatian, with picture)
  • Article by Michael Kalman in W&F 2/1993, in which a 1993 conversation with Flego is reproduced (German)