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Gylis († 394 BC ) was a late 5th and early 4th century BC. Living Spartan general.

During the Corinthian War , in which Sparta fought against a coalition of Greek states consisting of Athens , Thebes , Argos and Corinth , the Spartan king Agesilaus won in August 394 BC. The Battle of Koroneia , but without being able to decisively weaken the enemy coalition. The day after the battle, Agesilaos tried to determine whether the opposing army wanted to renew the fight. As he was injured himself, he ordered the Polemarch Gylis to set up the Spartan army in battle order and to have a sign of victory erected to the sound of the flute. The Thebans, however, who were the only ones who could have resumed the fight, admitted their defeat and asked permission to bury their fallen. So an armistice was signed. While Agesilaus was going to Delphi , Gylis led the army back to Phocis and then undertook an incursion into Lokris . Here the Spartans made great prey. When they withdrew in the evening, the Lokrians followed them and threw stones and spears at them. But as soon as the Spartans turned against them, pursued them and killed some of them, the Lokrians no longer pursued them in the rear, but attacked them from the surrounding hills. Now the Spartans tried to pursue the enemy on the heights as well. But when it got dark and they wanted to retreat again, some fell in the impassable areas, and still others fell from arrows shot by the Lokrians. So Gylis and many of his people were killed, and if the troops from the camp, who were just holding the evening meal, had not come to the rescue, all would have been in danger of perishing.



  1. Xenophon , Hellenika 4, 3, 21 ff .; Xenophon, Agesilaus 2:15 .