Héctor Javier Pizarro Acevedo

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Héctor Javier Pizarro Acevedo OAR (born January 11, 1951 in Medellín , Colombia ) is Vicar Apostolic of Trinidad .


Héctor Javier Pizarro Acevedo joined the order of the Augustinian Recollects and was ordained a priest on January 8, 1977 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him on October 23, 2000 Vicar Apostolic of Trinidad and Titular Bishop of Ceramus . The Apostolic Nuncio in Colombia , Beniamino Stella , donated him episcopal ordination on January 27 of the next year ; Co- consecrators were Olavio López Duque OAR, Emeritus Vicar Apostolic of Casanare , and Agustín Otero Largacha OAR, Auxiliary Bishop in Bogotá . As a motto he chose Ubi amor, ibi pax .

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