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The HOBOS ( HO ney B ee O nline S tudies - HO nig B ienen O nline S tudien) are a digital learning platform on the Internet . Founders were Prof. em. Dr. Jürgen Tautz and Hartmut Vierle at the apiary of the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg .

HOBOS existed in Würzburg - apart from the first attempts from 2006 - from June 1st, 2009 to December 31st, 2019. The Internet offer is used as an education portal for schools and universities worldwide. In its pilot phase, it was offered in Germany , the USA , China , Luxembourg , Northern Ireland , Italy , South Africa , Switzerland and Jordan .

The central part of HOBOS is one beehive per location, which is monitored around the clock by various cameras and measuring instruments. Different temperature values, the humidity, the number of entries and exits as well as the total weight of the stick are determined. In addition, the weather data of the environment is recorded.

The bee colony can be observed directly via various live streams . The aim of the experiment is to obtain data on the bee colony without disturbing its natural life cycle through measurements. All measurement data are saved and can be accessed on the Internet.

The non-profit platform covers two fields of education:

  • Research with HOBOS: Free access to all data, in real time or archived via the databases, enables open science. Scientists, learners and interested parties can follow all recorded processes in the beehive and thus work on their own questions.
  • Learning with HOBOS: Schools and universities have the opportunity to work scientifically on the basis of a real bee colony and its environment.

The project is aimed at schoolchildren, students and scientists with teaching material and research suggestions.

The second HOBOS station was presented to the public in Bad Schwartau on October 10, 2014, and the Smart HOBOS bee station was activated in the AUDI Münchsmünster plant on June 1, 2017, and there was also a station in Bournemouth in southern England.

On December 31, 2019, the project at the University of Würzburg was discontinued because the funding expired. Measurement technology, cameras, IT and educational material were installed at the new location in Aura an der Saale , where the HOBOS project continues to be run on a voluntary basis.

Awards (selection)

For HOBOS and the initiator Jürgen Tautz, in connection with the project u. a. awarded the following awards:

  • 2008: Communication award from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) for Jürgen Tautz
  • 2009: Award in the university competition "Suitable for everyday use" by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
  • 2009: Award as an official project of the UN World Decade "Education for Sustainable Development" by UNESCO
  • 2010: Award in the innovation competition "365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas" of Deutsche Bank and the location initiative " Germany - Land of Ideas "
  • 2010: BIONADE award for HOBOS
  • 2011: Nomination for the Clean Tech Media Award
  • 2012: dm-drogerie markt selects HOBOS for the sustainability campaign "Ideas Initiative Future"
  • 2012: Communicator Prize from the German Research Foundation for Jürgen Tautz
  • 2012: Nomination for the Science on Stage Festival
  • 2012: Nomination for the European Science on Stage Festival
  • 2013: Journalist Prize Mainly Biology for Jürgen Tautz and Kristina Vonend
  • 2013: Sustainability award from the Neumarkter Lammsbräu for Jürgen Tautz
  • 2013: STENCIL Prize in the "School" category
  • 2013: Award of honor and sponsorship from the Filippas Engel Foundation for Kristina Vonend
  • 2014: 2nd prize of the German E-Learning Innovation and Young Talent Award (d-elina Award) in the "School" category
  • 2014: Certificate from the BLLV for the "consistently very high quality" of the HOBOS project
  • 2014: First place in the social media campaign of the food manufacturer tegut
  • 2016: Inclusion award from the district of Lower Franconia in the education and training category

further reading

  • Jürgen Tautz : Research into the world of bees. New data - new knowledge. Audi Foundation, Ingolstadt 2014.
  • Jürgen Tautz: Exploring the world of the honeybee. New data - new insights. Audi Foundation, Ingolstadt 2017. ( To the e-book ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. “Be strong together!” The Lower Franconia district awards its inclusion prize at the Ufra in Schweinfurt. On: www . Bezirk-unterfranken.de from October 6, 2016