HOPE (committee)

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HOPE ( Ho s p itals for E urope, European Hospital and Healthcare Federation since 2004 ) is the standing committee of hospitals in Europe . The task of the HOPE is in particular the mutual exchange of information, the representation of interests and the further education and training at European level. The association, founded in 1996, is based in Brussels .

Members of HOPE are the national umbrella associations of hospitals as well as representatives of the health authorities from the EU countries as well as Bulgaria , Romania and Switzerland as observers.

Exchange program

The purpose of the exchange program is "to contribute to a deeper understanding of the different health and hospital systems within the EU and to promote cooperation and mutual exchange between staff at European level."

Germany is represented at HOPE by the German Hospital Society. One of the tasks of the DKG at HOPE is to take over the national coordination for the HOPE exchange.

The exchange takes place annually with a changing motto . For example, the motto for 2003 was “Healthcare in Europe, the role of hospitals”. The 2006 exchange dealt with the topic of “waiting times and waiting lists” and the 2007 exchange was conducted under the motto “Social factors and differences in health; Social Determinants and Health Inequalities ”. In 2003, for example, 180 participants from 23 countries took part in the exchange. Of these, 15 participants came from Germany and 11 were guests in German hospitals. The motto for 2008 is: "Improving continuity of care: the role of IT". This means something like "Improving the continuity of support: The role of IT".

After confirmation by the DKG, the participant draws up a program together with his host. The program should focus on the motto of the exchange and the interests of the participant. The program should also provide a general overview of the health and hospital system in question. In particular, funding, planning, human resources and quality assurance should be discussed. In addition to the official program, the four-week stay in the host country also includes an extensive social program in which the participant gets to know the country and its people.

After the exchange, a three-day evaluation meeting will take place in a member country. Here the participants from the respective countries present their experiences under the respective motto of the year. Each country will give a 15-minute presentation in front of the other countries to share the experience. The lecture can be given in English, German or French and will be simultaneously translated into the other two languages.

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