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height 1368  m above sea level A.
location near Eibiswald , Styria
Mountains Koralpe
Coordinates 46 ° 40 '51 "  N , 15 ° 7' 42"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 40 '51 "  N , 15 ° 7' 42"  E
Haderniggkogel (Styria)

The Haderniggkogel is a 1368  m high peak in the southern Koralpe in Styria .

Location and landscape

The mountain lies in the ridge of the Koralm, which connects to the Possruck in the southeast . To the northwest lies the Mauthnereck saddle of the B69 (approx.  920  m ) with the town of Krumbach , to the southeast St. Bartlmä and St. Lorenzen  ( 947  m above sea level ), and then the Radlpass .

To the north, the Haderniggbach flows eastwards via the town of Hadernigg to Aibl zur Saggau , a tributary of the Sulm . The Essigbach approaches him to the east . In the west, the Krumbach runs below Rothwein over the Feistritz (Mučka Bistrica) to the Drau near Mučka in Slovenia.


The summit belongs to the uniform mass of Koralpen crystalline ( old crystalline of the Paleozoic ). To the north lies a lens of eclogite amphibolite . These basaltic metamorphic rocks come from great depths and are related to subduction processes . They could be around 350 million years old here in space (youngest Devonian ).

Nature and development

The area belongs to the Styrian landscape protection area Soboth-Radlpass  (03).

A hiking trail (No. 588) runs along the ridge from Mauthnereck over the summit to St. Bartlmä-Striegeleben, where the Petzhütte Friends of Nature House is also located. From Rothwein-Letschnigg, a path leads west-east over the summit down via the Rajock inn in Hadernigg to Aibl. This path belongs to the long-distance hiking trails Südalpenweg  (03A, variant) and Mariazellerweg  (03). Via St. Bartlmä - Rothwein, the Via Alpina and Steirischer Landesrundwanderweg run below the summit , and the other two paths continue towards Soboth .

Individual evidence

  1. Haymo Heritsch: Excursion to the crystal in the Koralpe. In: Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein der Steiermark 93 (1963), section Eklogitamphibolite and Amphibolite , p. 184 ff, whole article p. 178–198, PDF on ZOBODAT there p. 7 ff.
  2. Helmut Höller, Traude Schösser: Sediment petrographic investigations on decomposed rocks of the Koralpe (Styria). In: Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein der Steiermark 95 (1965), pp. 123-131, PDF on ZOBODAT there p. 1 ff) - on the break in the polarity of Mauthnereck north.
  3. Helmut W. Flügel, F. Neubauer: Geology of the Austrian federal states in brief individual representations. Styria. Explanations of the geological map of Styria 1: 200,000. Federal Geological Institute, series of federal states . Vienna 1984. p. 70.
  4. Mariazeller Weg - 1st day stage. regio.outdooractive.com - Directions with photo gallery (accessed October 19, 2016).