Hajo Dietz

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Hajo Dietz (* 1958 in Nuremberg ) is a German aerial photographer .


After completing the Waldorf School in his hometown of Nuremberg, Hajo Dietz passed the technical college entrance qualification for design. There he also acquired the knowledge of the photographic-technical basics. During various professional activities, Hajo Dietz never lost touch with photography and used it more and more as his very own, emotional form of expression. Though he was passionate about flying from childhood, he never obtained a pilot's license.

Hajo Dietz and his company Nürnberg Luftbild have been working as a freelance aerial photographer throughout Germany since 2004, supplying urban planning and building authorities, companies, advertising agencies as well as press and book publishers with aerial photographs. He works with a Nikon D 850 with various lenses and uses it as a flying device. a. Hughes 300C and Robinson R44 helicopters as well as various fixed-wing aircraft (so-called shoulder- wing planes ).

Individual publications


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