Halitherses (son of the Mastor)

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Halitherses ( ancient Greek Ἁλιθέρσης ) is a person from Greek mythology who plays a role in the Odyssey .

Halitherses, son of Mastor , is a seer who understands the interpretation of the flight of birds and Odysseus predicts the return home after twenty years when he goes to the war for Troy .

He also warns the suitors harassing Penelope after Zeus sends a sign. He advises them to stop their activities before Odysseus returns from the Trojan War . The suitors ignore his warning and are killed by the king of Ithaca and his son Telemachus . Halitherses then warns the suitors' families to avenge their loved ones. But when not everyone heeded this advice, Athena intervened.

Like Mentor, Halitherses is one of Odysseus' close friends. Mentor also tries in vain to warn the suitors.



  1. Odyssey 2, 158 ff.
  2. Odyssey 2, 171 ff.
  3. Odyssey 2, 164 ff.
  4. Odyssey 24, 451
  5. Odyssey 17:68