Hallgerður Gísladóttir

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Hallgerður Gísladóttir 1990

Hallgerður Gísladóttir (born September 28, 1952 in Norðfjörður , Iceland ; died February 1, 2007 in Reykjavík , Iceland) was an Icelandic ethnologist , anthropologist and poet. She specialized in Icelandic food traditions and gastronomy and man-made caves.

Youth and education

Hallgerður Gísladóttir was the middle of nine siblings. After primary school, she attended a household school in Silkeborg from 1969 to 1970. From 1974 to 1975 she studied anthropology and history at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg , Canada. She received her Bachelor's degree in 1981 and her Candidata magisterii in 1991 from the University of Iceland . She specialized in Icelandic food and gastronomy traditions.


Hallgerður Gísladóttir worked in the Department of Ethnology at the National Museum of Iceland . In 1995 she became head of the department and later manager of the ethnological collections. In 1991 she was the co-author of a book about man-made caves in Iceland. In 1999 she published the book Icelandic Food Heritage ( Íslensk matarhefð ), for which she received scientific prizes and was nominated for the Icelandic Literature Prize.

Hallgerður Gísladóttir made a series of television programs for Icelandic TV about traditional Icelandic food and cooking methods and about Icelandic Christmas traditions. Furthermore, several programs appeared for the Icelandic radio on similar topics. For many years Hallgerður taught courses on traditional food and cooking at the University of Iceland's history and folklore faculties, published academic papers and lectured in Iceland and other countries. She published many articles on her subject in Icelandic and foreign journals.

Hallgerður Gísladóttir was a poet. Her poetry book Into the Light ( Í ljós ) was published in 2004. She also published individual poems in various Icelandic magazines. Several were translated and published in 2006 in the German literary magazine Die Horen .

Hallgerður Gísladóttir was married to the geologist Árni Hjartarson. With him she had three children: Sigríður (born 1975; died 1997), Guðlaugur Jón (born 1979) and Eldjárn (born 1983).


  • Hvað er á seyði? Eldhúsið fram á okkar daga . Þjóðminjasafn Íslands og Hallgerður Gísladóttir, Reykjavík 1987 (Icelandic).
  • Árni Hjartarson, Guðmundur J. Guðmundsson, Hallgerður Gísladóttir: Manngerðir hellar á Íslandi . Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs, Reykjavík 1991, ISBN 9979-822-04-X (Icelandic).
  • Íslensk matarhefð . Mál og menning, Reykjavík 1999, ISBN 9979-3-1846-5 (Icelandic).
  • Árni Björnsson, Hallgerður Gísladóttir, Gísli Sigurðsson, Menningar Magnussen, Minningarsjóður Mette Magnussen: Dagamunur. Gerður Árna Björnssyni sextugum 16 janúar 1992 . Menningar- og Minningarsjóður Mette Magnussen, Reykjavík 1992, OCLC 40536459 (Icelandic).
  • Hallgerður Gísladóttir, Freydís Kristjánsdóttir, Helgi Skúli Kjartansson: Lífið fyrr og nú. Stutt Íslandssaga . Námsgagnastofun, Reykjavík 2003, ISBN 9979-0-0748-6 (Icelandic).
  • Í ljós . Salka, Reykjavík 2004, ISBN 9979-768-26-6 (Icelandic).
  • Í a saeng. Íslenskir ​​brúdkaupssidir . Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, Reykjavik 2004, ISBN 9979-9507-8-1 (Icelandic).
  • Smárit Byggðasafns Skagfirðinga, Hallgerður Gísladóttir: Eldamennska í íslensku torfbæjunum (=  Smárit Byggðasafns Skagfirðinga . Band 5 ). 2nd Edition. Byggðasafn Skagfirðinga, 2007 (Icelandic, glaumbaer.is [PDF]).

Individual evidence

  1. obituary Hallgerður Gísladóttir. In: Morgunblaðið . February 9, 2007, Retrieved February 24, 2017 (Icelandic).