Hamilton Mourão

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Hamilton Mourão (2019)

Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão (born August 15, 1953 in Porto Alegre ) is a Brazilian politician (PRTB) and former general . He has been the Vice President of Brazil since January 1, 2019.

Military career

Mourão is the son of Division General Antônio Hamilton Mourão and Wanda Coronel Martins Mourão, both of whom come from the Amazon region. In 1972 he joined the Brazilian army and attended the military academy ( Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras ) in Resende , Rio de Janeiro , where he was promoted to lieutenant in 1975. Later he worked there as a trainer for some time. He completed the staff officer course at the Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército in Urca , Rio de Janeiro.

For Brazil he was active in a peace mission in Angola and as a military attaché in Venezuela . He held the highest rank in the Brazilian military until February 28, 2018 , but then announced that he would retire from this position and has been a paid Army General of the Reserve since then.

Activity in politics

Antônio Hamilton Mourão has been a member of the right-wing extremist party Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro (PRTB) since 2018 .

Originally, Mourão considered running as a candidate for the presidential election in Brazil in 2018 together with Levy Fidelix .

However, in August 2018, Jair Bolsonaro , presidential candidate for the 2018 election, named him his vice-presidential candidate. Since Bolsonaro's election victory in October 2018, he has been Vice President-elect of Brazil. On January 1, 2019, he took his oath of office.

Political positions

Mourão has announced that he does not want to play a “decorative role” as Vice President. He demands a job next to the President and wants to appear as a "unit" with him in public. Like Bolsonaro, he has a positive opinion of the Brazilian military dictatorship and described Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra , then head of the DOI-CODI secret service, which used torture methods, as a “hero”.

Web links

Commons : Hamilton Mourão  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. General Mourão 17. In: eleicoes2018.com. Eleições 2018, accessed November 10, 2018 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  2. ^ Quemé Antonio Hamilton Martins Mourão . In: Brigadeiros-do-Ar da FAB . February 22, 2018 (Brazilian Portuguese, wordpress.com [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  3. General Mourão filia-se ao PRTB e pode ser candidato a presidente pelo partido. May 8, 2018, Retrieved October 1, 2019 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  4. Mantovani Kelly: General Mourão filia-se ao PRTB e pode ser candidato a presidente pelo partido . In: Folha de S. Paulo . May 8, 2018 (Brazilian Portuguese, com.br [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  5. wochenblatt: Brazil's new President Bolsonaro announces a radical new beginning, in: wochenblatt, https://www.wochenblatt.de/news-stream/deutschland-welt/artikel/270196/brasiliens-neuer-praesident-bolsonaro-kuendigt-raduellen- new beginning on , accessed January 1, 2019.
  6. Julia Jaroschweski, Sonja Peteranderl: Ultrarechter becomes president. Why Bolsonaro is considered the Messiah for many in Brazil. In: t-online from October 29, 2018. Accessed October 30, 2018.