Hannelore Sievers

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Hannelore Sievers , b. Blohm (born February 20, 1925 in Kiel ; † September 16, 1998 there ) was a German politician ( CDU ).

Sievers attended elementary and middle school and reached middle school. After passing the entrance examination at the University Institute for Physical Education at the University of Marburg , she passed the state examination as a gymnastics and sports teacher. She trained as a physiotherapist at the Lubinus Clinic in Kiel and worked as a physiotherapist at the University Clinics in Kiel for seven years.

In 1966 Sievers became a member of the CDU Kiel, where she was chairman of the women's association, member of the CDU district executive and deputy district chairwoman. She was a civil member of the council, councilor of the state capital Kiel, member of the committees for sport, health, building and housing, 2nd deputy city president, member of the city council and sports director of the state capital Kiel. She was also a lay judge at the district court in Kiel , an honorary judge at the administrative court in Schleswig and a member of the German Association of Cities . She belonged to the Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein in the short 11th electoral term, which began in late 1987 but ended in mid-1988.

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