Hannequin from Brussels

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Toledo Cathedral , Puerta de los Leones

Hannequin of Brussels ( Spanish Hanequin de Bruselas ; * around 1420, † 1494 in Toledo ) was an architect and sculptor of the Hispano-Flemish school of the 15th century.

life and work

Data and facts on the life of Hannequin from Brussels are sparse. He came in 1440 (together with his brothers or cousins ​​(?) Egas Cueman and Antonio Martínez de Bruselas ) to Toledo, where he is proven in the years 1448-1470 as a builder ( Spanish maestro mayor de obras ) of the cathedral . His main work there is the Puerta de los Leones , but he also directed the work on completing the late Gothic north tower. The work on the figural decoration of the Capilla de Santiago , the burial chapel Álvaro de Lunas , is attributed to him.

For the year 1454 joint work with Egas Cueman on the choir stalls (sillería) of the Cathedral of Cuenca is documented. Two years later he is said to have led the planning and execution of the Castillo de Belmonte and the collegiate church of San Bartolomé in Belmonte .

In 1465 he appears together with his son Hannequin in the expansion of the Beltrán de la Cueva , the 1st Duke of Alburquerque , Castillo de Cuellar .


  • María Rosario Mondéjar-Manzanares: El Castillo de Cuéllar. Apuntes para la interpretation de un castillo. Segovia 2007. ISBN 978-84-61212-00-2