Hannshubert Mahn

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Hannshubert Mahn (born March 17, 1903 in Bad Lausick , † January 1, 1943 near Voronezh ) was a German art historian .


Hannshubert Mahn, son of judge Max Mahn, attended the Higher Citizens' School in Zwickau from 1909 , then from 1913 to 1921 the Queen Carola High School in Leipzig . He then did a commercial apprenticeship in the Alfred Lorentz bookstore in Leipzig. From 1923 he studied art history and history in Tübingen, Leipzig, Vienna and Munich. In 1927 he received his doctorate at the University of Tübingen under Georg Weise . From 1924 to 1930 he photographed monuments while traveling in Spain with his teacher Weise as part of his studies for the multi-volume work “Spanish Sculpture from Seven Centuries”. In 1931 he completed his habilitation at the University of Tübingen and worked there as a private lecturer. He was in military service from 1940, and has been missing in the Voronezh region since January 1, 1943 . In his absence, Mahn was appointed associate professor in April 1943 . He was declared dead retrospectively in 1955.

Publications (selection)

  • Lorenz and Georg Strauch. Contributions to the history of art in Nuremberg in the 16th and 17th centuries . Gryphius, Reutlingen 1927 (dissertation).
  • Cathedral sculpture in Spain. The monumental figural sculpture in Old Castile, León and Navarre between 1230 and 1380 . Gryphius, Reutlingen 1935 (habilitation thesis).
  • Hans von Tübingen and the flowering of Swabian painting . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1937.
  • The Tübingen collegiate church . Osiander, Tübingen 1939.
  • Hans Morinck and the beginnings of baroque sculpture on Lake Constance . In: Journal of the German Association for Art Science 6, 1939, pp. 162–220.


  • Nicola Hille: Art history in Tübingen 1933-1945 . In: Art and Politics. Yearbook of the Guernica Society 5, 2003, pp. 93–122.
  • Ruth Heftrig: Fanatics of Objectivity. Richard Hamann and the Reception of Modernism in German University Art History 1930–1960. De Gruyter, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-05-006102-3 , p. 430.

Web links


  1. Missing, declared dead retrospectively as of December 31, 1945.
  2. Tombs Search People's League .