Hans Augustin (writer)

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Hans Augustin (born July 5, 1949 in Salzburg ) is an Austrian writer . He lived in Innsbruck from 1976 to 1986 , and has lived in Thaur since 1986 .


Hans Augustin received piano lessons throughout his entire compulsory schooling. After his father's death, he completed an apprenticeship in printing form manufacture from 1964 to 1968. After completing his secondary school diploma at the Federal School of Graphic Arts and Research Institute in Vienna, he studied philosophy, art history and archeology at the University of Salzburg from 1973 to 1976, but did not graduate. Augustin studied medicine at the University of Innsbruck until 1980, but did not graduate either. In the late seventies he regularly published poems in the literary magazine Phönix, edited by Jan Tielens in The Hague . Then he turned back to the graphic industry and founded the hand press in Innsbruck in 1981. He dealt artistically with the concrete poetry and gave numerous exhibitions. From 1988 to 1995 Augustin was co-editor of the Tyrolean literary magazine Inn. In cooperation with ORF and DRS, radio plays and radio dramatizations (mainly Japanese literature), features and cultural contributions for radio were created. From 1996 he was the chief editor of the agricultural papers of the Tyrolean Chamber of Agriculture. In 2002 Augustin received the journalistic award for quality journalism (Josef Steininger certificate) and in 2006 the Poetry Prize of the State of Salzburg. Since 2003 he has been responsible for the cultural projects of the Tyrolean Chamber of Agriculture. Augustin also wrote scripts for image and themed films. Since 1991 he has been working as a freelance writer and journalist.


  • 1990 Art Prize of the City of Innsbruck 3rd Prize for Dramatic Poetry
  • 1991 Large literary scholarship from the state of Tyrol for drama
  • 1993 Audience Award of the Merano Poetry Prize with Irma Waldner
  • 1995 Participation in the radio play finalist competition for "Radio Play of the Year 1994"
  • 1995 Max von der Grün Prize, 3rd prize for prose
  • 2002 Literature Prize of the municipality of Algund for the 1000th anniversary 3rd Prize for poetry
  • 2002 Art Prize of the City of Innsbruck 3rd Prize for Poetry
  • 2002 Josef Steininger certificate for quality journalism
  • 2005 Large literary scholarship from the state of Tyrol for prose
  • 2006 Poetry Prize of the State of Salzburg (with Bettina Baláka)

Work description

And lives among us . A word that is not spoken disappears from the vocabulary. God is such a word that, according to Hans Augustin, has a great desire for volatility. In almost fifty poems, God is therefore reanimated into linguistic usage, and that in a very exciting atmosphere. "And lives among us" is the attempt to connect God as a rare occurrence with everyday life. Some parts of the sentence from the creation story and other 'Holy Scriptures' are expanded into a poem. This results in an interesting structure in which cult and everyday life merge.

Fayum and other stories . Whenyou think ofthe “black widow” (cf. Smertnizy ) one might think of a dangerous species of spider, but it is about a woman from Chechnya who is blowing herself up. From the inner point of view of a suicide bomber, the political situation becomes so unbearable that as a reader you are practically blasted with it in order to free yourself from this unbearable situation. First the husband of the later assassin was killed, then she was forced into a rescue operation herself. The feelings are familiar and normal, the pain when the activist has to say goodbye to the children and somewhere this logic that it has to be that way. Emotionally, this story contributes at least as much to the understanding of asylum seekers from Chechnya as the rapid processing of real asylum applications. In “Herzrasen” the circulatory system, hormones and virtual erotic play the main roles. An excitement of the maddening kind results in an enormous contact when two trains leave. In the story “Mein Land ist das Meer” (My Land is the Sea), the images of those shown in the film and their own are blurred in the head of a projectionist from Burkina Faso. The hero is actually studying medicine, but he has to organize his livelihood with demonstrations. Somehow he is puzzled that he has to study a western welfare medicine in order to later be able to treat the poor in his country for completely different diseases. In "Dead End Street" a father struggles with the pictures of the young son who is now being executed for blowing up the official building in Oklahoma.

Time lived away . Between the passage of time and the newly issued slogans, the poems develop, some appear only briefly and are then kept in low growth, others are comparable to hinges on which time can be diverted, and a third group documents more or more less the lyrical course of the days without any visible interference.

Groznyj (see Grozny ). Hans Augustin put so-called world news under the literary microscope and tracked down all kinds of psychological life particles in the serum. Groznyj turns out to be hell on earth. A pair of lovers from St. Petersburg fight against each other as snipers without knowing about their respective use. That is the most perverse thing that can be imagined as fate: In order to be able to start a family, both hire out distant war partners and kill each other like in a real tragedy.

Storm in the armpits . In the poems against everyday life, travel projects, circumnavigations of the world and artistic masterpieces ultimately become daily failures. All that remains of the white ship is the crane, which distributes the loads. “I will accept the mountains,” says the lyrical me at last and remains desperate.

Record of a deception . Two climbers, a man and a woman, set off on a day trip. The mountains seem familiar to them. Nevertheless, you suddenly find yourself in a completely unknown mountain world; a reality that changes everything in your life.


Radio plays (ORF productions)

  • An Angel for a Strange Time (1991)
  • Tadesse or I'll go back where I came from (1991)
  • The Last On Earth Is A Cosmonaut (1992)
  • The Fall or Disappearance of a Protagonist (1994)
  • A long-term survey (1994); translated into Bulgarian a. Spanish
  • The Price of Paradise (live radio play) (1995)
  • The Chicken Baron (1997)
  • Queen of the Night (1997)
  • La Mancha or the knight of the eerie figure (live radio play on the occasion of the "Long Night of the Radio Play" 1998)
  • Frauenleben (live radio play on the occasion of the opening of the RadioKulturhaus Tirol) (2001)
  • The Gänghöfers (live radio play on ORF on the occasion of the "Long Night of the Radio Play" 2002)
  • Emil & Emilia (live radio play) (2005)
  • The most beautiful fifty minutes in the life of the junk dealer Alberto Lampedusa (2007)
  • Zuckerberg's Last Appearance - A Dark Gray Comedy (Live Radio Play) (2011)
  • Godot is Coming (2014)

Radio dramatizations (mostly Japanese literature), features, cultural contributions


  • Güldenstern & Sedlaczek. Stadttheater Innsbruck, premiere: April 20, 2000, co-author and director: Anders Linder
  • Una Morte Cantabile. StadtTheater Innsbruck, premiere: June 12, 2002, director: Günther Panak, with Margot M. Paar, Elfriede Trieb and Günther Panak
  • Everyone can only eat with a spoon. Premiere StadtTheater Innsbruck, June 1, 2010, directed by Anders Linder, with Christine Altmann, Wolfgang Hundegger, Wini Gropper, Christine Stallbaumer

Film version: Director Anders Linder, camera: Dietmar Löffler, editor: Anders Linder, music: Hans Augustin


Web links