Hans Dessauer

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Hans Dessauer (born May 13, 1905 in Aschaffenburg , † 1993 in Pittsford , New York ; also John H. Dessauer ) was a German-American engineer .


After attending the humanistic grammar school in Aschaffenburg, he studied chemistry in Freiburg im Breisgau and received his doctorate in 1929 at RWTH Aachen University with a thesis on chemical process engineering . In Freiburg he became a member of the Catholic student association Brisgovia in the KV . In 1936, as the eldest son, Hans Dessauer was to succeed his father, Hans Dessauer sen. († 1926), was the boss of the family-owned colored paper factory that went back to the ancestor Alois Dessauer . The Nazis prevented the occupation as head of the company.

Dessauer then went to the USA and worked first at Agfa Ansco , then at Haloid and Xerox , where he became the chief research director. Physicist and patent attorney Chester Carlson turned his patents on xerography , which went unnoticed, to the Columbia Archives , Ohio. Dessauer discovered the patents and recognized the potential of the xeroxstatic copying process without chemistry (up to then copying was done photochemically) and pushed the development of the process forward.


  • My years with Xerox, the billions nobody wanted . Doubledays, New York, Garden City, NY, Doubleday, 1971. Orbit Publishing Geneva, 1971; Manor Books (June 1979)
  • Xerography and related processes . (with Harold Ernest Clark) Focal P., May 1965
  • New ring isomerizations in the camphene series . Diss. RWTH Aachen, Aschaffenburg: Kirsch, 1929