Hans Ehinger (politician)

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Hans Ehinger (* 1487 in the Swabian town of Memmingen ; † 1546 there ) was a politician and played a key role in the Confessio Tetrapolitana .

Hans Ehinger made numerous trips on behalf of the trading house of Vöhlin und Welser. He dealt not only with the colonization of Venezuela, but also with the financing of the emperor election of Charles V. Through his brother Ulrich, who was imperial council, the family relations to Ambrosius Blarer from Constance and the Neidhart in Ulm , Hans Ehinger was one of the key figures in the Reformation in Upper Swabia . When the cities of Constance, Strasbourg , Lindau and Memmingen committed themselves to the Confessio Tetrapolitana in 1530 , Ehinger came into conflict with Emperor Charles V at the Reichstag in Augsburg .

Especially through Ehinger, the city council did not want to take full responsibility for the belief in the new faith. That is why all male citizens in the city were polled. Of the 812 eligible people, 751 voted for the new teaching. Hans Ehinger's last political work was in joining the Schmalkaldic League in 1531 , which represented the community with the evangelical potentates and cities. This made it possible to resist the emperor, who urged the cities to renounce their cruel error .

In 1532 Ehinger withdrew from politics and lived in Memmingen in Upper Swabia until his death .