Hans Funk (glass painter)

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Hans Funk (* around 1470 in Zurich ; † around 1540 there ) was a Swiss glass painter .


Hans Funk was a member of a family of glass painters. His uncle Ludwig Funk and his brothers Jakob and Ulrich worked in this profession in Zurich and probably also his father Hans Funck the Elder. Hans Funk moved to Bern around 1500 , where he lived from 1509 in a house on Kilchgasse, now renamed Münstergasse. Since 1519 he was a member of the Grand Council of the City of Bern. After being involved in the murder of the glass painter Simprecht Baumeister in 1539, he was forced to flee Bern and returned to Zurich, where he died in 1540.


In the first quarter of the 16th century, Hans Funk was considered one of the most busy and renowned Swiss glass painters after Lukas Zeiner . Many of his discs are marked with his monogram or his signature. Despite losses, a large number of his works have been preserved, for example in the Wettingen monastery and in the Zofingen town church . From 1504 and 1505, Funk often received inquiries from the councils in Bern and Friborg for painted glass panes, which led to larger orders. In 1504 he created a cycle of twelve status discs for the town hall of Freiburg im Üechtland , the whereabouts of which are unknown today.


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