Hans Görler

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Hans Görler (born November 17, 1939 ; † July 22, 2002 ) was a German administrative officer and state secretary in the Berlin Senate Department for Building and Housing.


After graduating, Hans Görler joined the Berlin Senate Administration as a graduate engineer. In March 1989 he was appointed State Secretary under Building Senator Wolfgang Nagel . After the fall of the Wall in the GDR , he supported the establishment of the East Berlin municipal administration for construction. In 1991 Görler switched to the housing industry and was managing director of the IBG real estate subsidiary of Bankgesellschaft Berlin until 2001 . Recourse claims have been made against him in connection with the crisis at this bank .

Görler belonged to the SPD .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anett Seidler: Carpet coalition of CDU and FDP . In: THE WORLD . July 27, 2002 ( welt.de [accessed December 28, 2018]).
  2. Berlin banking affair: Ex-managers are expected to pay 26 million euros . In: Spiegel Online . June 15, 2002 ( spiegel.de [accessed December 28, 2018]).
  3. Former State Secretary Hans Görler has passed away. In: Der Tagesspiegel. Retrieved December 28, 2018 .