Hans Herrig

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Hans Herrig (born December 10, 1845 in Braunschweig , † May 4, 1892 in Weimar ) was a German journalist and writer.

From 1864 Hans Herrig studied law at the Humboldt University in Berlin ; later he moved to Göttingen in the same subject . In 1868 he successfully completed his studies in Berlin with his dissertation . He also completed the subsequent legal clerkship in Berlin.

After the war Herrig did not return to the civil service, but from 1872 earned his living as a journalist. As the editor in charge, he was in charge of the features section of the Deutsches Tageblatt and, as a writer, also began to publish mostly plays for the theater.

From his tales and stories with the audience his poems found Pigs (1876) and The fat King (1885) received the most attention. Richard Wagner , who had an extensive correspondence with Herrig, also praised his work on the Meiningen court theater .

Hans Herrig died in 1892 at the age of 46. He was buried in Braunschweig. The sculptor Robert Toberentz created his grave monument .

Works (selection)

  • Jerusalem. Tragedy . Leipzig 1874.
  • The Elector Prince . Berlin 1876.
  • Alexander the Great . Leipzig 1879.
  • The Meininger . Your guest performances and their significance for the German theater . Berlin 1879.
  • Emperor Friedrich Rotbart . Leipzig 1880.
  • Nero . Berlin 1883.
  • Konradin . Tragedy . Berlin 1885.
  • Martin Luther . Festival . Berlin 1886.
  • Fairies and stories . Berlin 1892.


  • Ludwig Julius Fränkel:  Herrig, Hans . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 50, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1905, pp. 234-243.
  • Arnold Fokke: About Hans Herrig . Verlag Süß, Wilhelmshaven 1891 digitized version ( scientific supplement to the program of the Royal High School in Wilhelmshaven )
  • Rüdiger Pohl (Ed.): Richard Wagner's letters to Hans Herrig. Start of the first chronological publication . In: Richard-Wagner-Blätter , Vol. 10 (1986) ff.
  • Eberhard Rohse : Herrig, Hans. In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck, Günter Scheel: Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon. 19th and 20th centuries. Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7752-5838-8 , p. 266.

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