Hans Karl Schneider (Romanist)

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Hans Karl Schneider (born July 14, 1912 in Hamburg ; † December 1991 ibid.) Was a German Romanist , Hispanic , Galicist , foreign language teacher and translator.

life and work

Schneider received his doctorate from the University of Hamburg with the thesis Studies on the Galician of the Limia basin (Orense-Spain): phonology, form theory, vocabulary . From 1970 he was professor of Spanish at the University of Hamburg.

During the voice recordings in Galicia , Schneider met Vicente Risco (1884–1963) in 1933. On July 13th and 14th, 2012 the Fundación Vicente Risco organized a memorial colloquium for Schneider's 100th birthday in Allariz and Lobeira (Prov. Orense).

Other works

  • (with Gerhard Buck) Spanish language teaching , Hamburg 1941, 7th edition 1964
  • (Translator) José Ortega y Gasset, Velázquez and Goya. Contributions to Spanish cultural history , Stuttgart 1955
  • (Translator with Ingelux Schneider-Thomas) Angel Maria de Lera, Fanfares of Fear . Roman, Hamburg 1960
  • (Translator with Ingelux Schneider-Thomas) Angel Maria de Lera, Glowing May . Roman, Hamburg 1961
  • (Translator with Ingelux Schneider-Thomas) Angel Maria de Lera, Spanish marriage . Roman, Hamburg 1963
  • (Translator with Ingelux Schneider-Thomas) Luis Romero, The others and he . Roman, Munich 1963


  • Filologia y didactica hispanica. Homenaje al Profesor Hans-Karl Schneider , ed. by José Maria Navarro, Michael Studemund-Halévy et al., Hamburg 1975 (with list of publications)
  • Margot Kruse : Hans-Karl Schneider , in: Uni HH 23 (1992), pp. 57–58 ( digitized version )

Web links

  • Memoria do Profesor Schneider (in Spanish, the picture in this article does not represent the Romance scholar discussed here, but an economist of the same name who died in 2011; this portrait sketch by the painter Nono Carrillo, who previously lived in Hamburg and now in Granada, may serve as a substitute )
  • Font directory

Individual evidence

  1. Published in: Volkstum und Kultur der Romanen 11 (1938), pp. 69–145, 194–281
  2. ^ Commemorative colloquium on 13./14. July 2012 ( Memento of the original from July 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.hk-schneider.de