Hans Koban

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Hans Koban (born July 30, 1935 in Lauta , Saxony , † May 27, 2013 in Bad Godesberg ) was a German banker.


Hans Koban studied economics and law. In Bonn he did his doctorate in economics. In 1965 he joined the burden equalization bank, one of the predecessor companies of the KfW banking group, as a lawyer, and in 1971 took over the legal department and in 1974 also headed the board secretariat. From 1987 he was responsible for all credit and guarantee programs for start-ups and medium-sized companies at the credit institute renamed the German Compensation Bank. In 1989 he became a general representative and in 1992 a member of the board of directors of the German Compensation Bank , from 2001 its board spokesman.

After his retirement, he held numerous voluntary commitments in social welfare companies . He was chairman of the board of the Diakonisches Werk of the two church districts Bonn and Bad Godesberg-Voreifel, chairman of the supervisory board of the non-profit Godesberger Gesellschaft für Diakonischeeinrichtungen mbH and a member of the board of trustees of the Luther Stift in Frankfurt / Oder. For many years he was chairman of the Diaconal Council of the Diaconal Work of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland. He was member of the legal Arbitration Commission Rhineland, Westphalia and Lippe, member of the main committee and the audit committee of the Social Service Agency of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland and member of the district synod and Synod . From 2000 to 2006 he was chairman of the Diakonisches Rat des Diakonisches Werk im Rheinland. He was chairman of the supervisory board of the Evangelische Axenfeldgesellschaft gGmbH.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , obituaries of June 1, 2013, issue No. 124, page 8