Hans Lauwerier

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Hans Adolf Lauwerier , sometimes Hendrik Lauwerier, (born November 15, 1923 in Rotterdam ; † November 21, 1997 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch mathematician who dealt with applied analysis.

His father Hendrik Adolf Lauwerier was the editor of Het Vaderland . Lauwerier studied in Leiden and Delft received his doctorate in 1948 at the TU Delft under Oene Bottema ( Axiomatic onderzoekingen over de vlakke meetkunde ). From 1948 to 1954 he was at the Shell research laboratory in Amsterdam (where he came into contact with Bartel Leendert van der Waerden ). From 1956 he was at the Mathematisch Centrum (CWI) in Amsterdam. From 1960 he was a professor at the University of Amsterdam , but was also head of applied mathematics at the CWI. In 1988 he retired.

He dealt with applied analysis and mathematical physics, including asymptotic evolutions, fractals and strange attractors . In the 1950s he worked on models for North Sea floods as part of the Delta Project after the flood disaster of 1953. He worked under David van Dantzig . As part of this work, he solved the Helmholtz equation with inclined boundary conditions (between Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions) in order to also take Coriolis forces into account.

He was also interested in art and culture and was one of the editors of the Grote Winkler Prins Encyclopedie .

Tom Koornwinder is one of his PhD students .


  • Fractals: Endlessly Repeated Geometrical Figures , Penguin 1991 (Dutch original: Amsterdam, Aramith 1987)
    • German translation: Fraktale - Understand and program yourself , Wittig Fachbuchverlag 1989
  • Asymptotic Expansions , Amsterdam, Mathematisch Centrum 1966
  • Asymptotic Analysis , Mathematisch Centrum 1974
  • Calculus of Variations in Mathematical Physics , Mathematisch Centrum 1966
  • Symmetry: regular structures in de art , Amsterdam: Aramith 1988
  • Infinity: Thinking in the Limitless , Rowohlt TB 1993

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Lauwerier in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used