Hans Overbeck

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Hans Overbeck (* 1882 in Bremen ; † January 19, 1942 west of Nias in the Indian Ocean ) was a merchant , linguist and insect researcher from Bremen.

He is known as a translator of Malay stories:

“His translations were planned to be 20 volumes. Only two titles could appear. "

He died in the sinking of the Van Imhoff .

Publications (selection)


  • Wilfried Wagner: Adventures into the Soul of the Malays. Hans Overbeck 1882-1942
  • Rüdiger Siebert: "Traces of Germany in Indonesia - Ten résumés in turbulent times", with detailed bibliography, Horlemann-Verlag, Unkel / Rhein, 2002.

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. adtractive.de: Challenge Indonesia: Power, Criticism, Liberation - Dutch Colonial History as Reflected in German Résumés (Rüdiger Siebert) - accessed on July 12, 2014