Hans Pfeiffer (gymnast)

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Hans Pfeiffer was a German gymnast. He did gymnastics for the Hamburg gymnastics association from 1816 . Pfeiffer was a member of the German national team and from the late 1920s to the mid-1930s the best gymnast in Hamburg.

Hans Pfeiffer in 1926 in the ranks of the Hamburg gymnastics club from 1816 (4th from left)

life and career

At the end of June 1925, Pfeiffer did gymnastics for Hamburg against the Westphalia team and was fifth best gymnast.

At the beginning of April 1927 Pfeiffer belonged to the Holland team of the Hamburg gymnastics club, which was supposed to do gymnastics in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam . Gymnastics was described as a great success in the Hamburg press.

Pfeiffer achieved his first major national success as the fourth-best gymnast in the twelve fight at the German Gymnastics Festival in Cologne in 1928 . Pfeiffer showed, as noted the Hamburger Nachrichten, an impressive form and could possibly have been the overall winner. Only 5 points separated him from the two winners Karl Reuter and Emil Preiss.

At the German Gymnastics Championships in 1931 he reached 12th place with a total of 167.5 points. The Hamburger Nachrichten had even given him the prospect of winning the championship. He had probably convinced in the freestyle exercises, but had dropped out of duty.

In June 1931 he stayed with the Hamburg Gymnastics Association in The Hague to show gymnastics demonstrations in the stadium there.

In 1932 he won the Hamburg Gaufest after a hard fight with last year's winner Hubert Reddersen.

At the German Gymnastics Festival in Stuttgart in July 1933 he was 16th in the twelve fight.

For the gymnastics of the German team on the day of physical exercises in Danzig he was appointed by Reichsmännerturnwart Schneider as a substitute.

As part of the autumn week for art and science, he was scheduled for a gymnastics of the German wars on December 3, 1933 in the city theater in Kiel .

In the northern German Gymnastics Championships in 1934 , he was charged with 179.5 points Gaumeister the device decathlon and the North German Gymnastics Championships in 1935 with 190 points and Vizegaumeister singles champion on the horizontal bar, parallel bars and horse jumping.

In July 1934 he was part of the squad for the German Fighting Games in Nuremberg.

In September 1934 he did gymnastics on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Kiel MTV as a member of the German team in the Nordostseehalle in Kiel. The squad did gymnastics in the line-up: Sandrock (Immigrath); Pechtl (Kiel); Wedekind (forest); Huck (Hamburg); Rößler (Vogtland); Schäfer (Hamburg); Strings (keel); Steffens (Bremen); Bockenauer (Berlin) and Pfeiffer .

In December 1934 he was committed to other gymnasts as an Olympic candidate.

On January 20, 1935, he did gymnastics with the Hamburg Gymnastics Association in Bremen against Kiel, Bremen and Hanover and was the third best individual gymnast behind Walter Steffens (Bremen) and Karl Streicher (Kiel).

Awards (selection)

  • 1933 - plaque of honor of the city of Berlin
  • 1933 - Jahnschild of the German Gymnastics Association
  • 1935 - "Senate badge " of the city of Hamburg (awarded for the Nordmark Gauging Championship in 1934)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hamburger Anzeiger of June 27, 1925. Online
  2. Hamburger Anzeiger, March 24, 1927. Online ; See also follow-up report in: Hamburger Nachrichten of April 7, 1927 Online .
  3. Hamburger Anzeiger, August 3, 1928. Online ; See also: Hamburger Nachrichten of July 28, 1928. Online
  4. Hamburger Nachrichten of April 12, 1931 Online .
  5. Hamburger Nachrichten of April 27, 1931 Online .
  6. Hamburger Anzeiger of June 22, 1931. Online
  7. ^ Hamburger Nachrichten of June 27, 1932. Online
  8. ^ Altonaer Nachrichten of July 31, 1933. Online
  9. Hamburger Nachrichten of August 16, 1933. Online
  10. ^ Hamburger Nachrichten of November 2, 1933. Online
  11. Hamburger Anzeiger, July 20, 1934. Online
  12. 90 years of the Kiel Men's Gymnastics Club , in: Nordic Turnblatt of September 14, 1934.
  13. Olympic candidates in apparatus gymnastics , in: Hamburger Nachrichten of December 10, 1934 Online .
  14. HT v. 1816, Turnklubb Hanover, Bremen and Kiel , in: Hamburger Nachrichten of January 19, 1935 Online .
  15. Hamburger Anzeiger, March 20, 1933. Online
  16. ^ Altonaer Nachrichten of March 20, 1933. Online
  17. Hamburger Anzeiger, October 5, 1935. Online