Hans Rentmeister

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Hans Rentmeister (born May 19, 1911 - April 18, 1996 ) was a German resistance fighter against the Nazi regime .

Stumbling block Hans Rentmeister in Oberhausen- Sterkrade


Rentmeister left the SAJ in 1931 and became a member of the KJVD . From 1933 he participated in the anti-fascist resistance against the Nazi dictatorship. He was able to escape the SA's first attack in February 1933. He emigrated to Holland, came back shortly afterwards and worked illegally. There was a particularly close connection to Willi Seng . Rentmeister was involved in the publication of illegal newspapers and solidarity collections for Communist Party functionaries living illegally. In March 1934 he was arrested by the Gestapo and sentenced to one and a half years in prison for preparing for high treason. Then he was sent to the Esterwegen concentration camp, and later to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp . In 1938 he was released and placed under police supervision. In July 1942 he got in touch with the representative of the Central Committee of the KPD Wilhelm Beuttel and was involved in the establishment of an illegal KPD organization in the Ruhr area. In the spring of 1943 he was found "fit for military service", drafted into the Wehrmacht and in July 1943 transported to the east. In August 1943 he defected to the Red Army in the Belgorod area . He went to the anti-fascist school in POW camp 165, later to the party school of the KPD in Schodnja near Moscow, and did anti-fascist educational work among the prisoners of war. At the end of May 1945 he was flown from Moscow to Berlin-Tempelhof in a military plane.

He was employed as political secretary of the newly formed KPD organization in the Berlin district of Tiergarten and had been chairman of the SED district board of Tiergarten from 1946. In 1949 he went to East Berlin and ran for the elections for III. German People's Congress. In 1955 he became first secretary of the SED district leadership in Berlin-Lichtenberg. At the same time he was district councilor and district councilor of the Lichtenberg district. From July 1958 to January 1963 he was a candidate for the Central Committee of the SED. He then worked as a sector manager in the Central Party Archives and finally as a research assistant at the Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED .

Rentmeister was married to Klare Rentmeister. Hans Rentmeister junior is the son of Hans Rentmeister.


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Individual evidence

  1. Portrait in the Berliner Zeitung of December 30, 1973
  2. ^ New Germany of January 7, 1947
  3. Berliner Zeitung of May 14, 1949
  4. ^ New Germany of November 18, 1955
  5. ^ New Germany of July 5, 1957
  6. ^ New Germany of July 17, 1958
  7. Congratulations on your 60th birthday in Neues Deutschland on May 19, 1971