Wilhelm Beuttel

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Friedrich Wilhelm Beuttel (born August 10, 1900 in Durlach , † July 27, 1944 in Cologne ) was a German resistance fighter against National Socialism and a member of the KPD "Reichsleitung" around Wilhelm Knöchel .


Wilhelm Beuttel grew up in the family of a metalworker in Friedberg, Hesse . His parents were the white tanner Friedrich Beuttel and his wife Elisabetha nee Mergelheimer. He learned the tailoring trade. In 1917 he became a member of the USPD , with whose majority faction he joined the KPD in 1920 , for which he was elected city councilor in Friedberg in 1922. In 1929 Beuttel was delegated to the International Lenin School in Moscow for a two-year course. From 1931 he worked as a full-time KPD functionary.

In 1932 he was elected KPD organization leader in Frankfurt am Main and as a member of the Hessian state parliament.

In the summer of 1933 or 1934 Beuttel emigrated to Paris and took over the organizational management of the Red Aid . In 1936 he was sent to the KPD West Section in Amsterdam .

In 1940 Beuttel managed to go underground during the occupation of the Netherlands by the Wehrmacht , while his partner Maria Rentmeister was arrested by the Gestapo .

In the late summer of 1942 he returned to Germany disguised as a Dutch worker and tried from Durlach to make new connections in order to support the attempt to rebuild a KPD domestic line. He worked with Wilhelm Knöchel on this.

In autumn 1942 and again from January 1943 he found quarters with his old friend from Friedberg Karl Neuhof in Berlin . There he was arrested on February 10, 1943. On May 25, 1944 he was sentenced to the maximum penalty by the People's Court . The death sentence was carried out eight weeks later in Cologne.


  • C .: Beuttel, Wilhelm. In: Peter Steinbach , Johannes Tuchel (Ed.): Lexicon of Resistance 1933-1945. 2nd, revised and expanded edition. CH Beck, Munich 1998, p. 26 f.
  • Andreas Herbst : Communist Resistance. In: Peter Steinbach / Johannes Tuchel (eds.): Resistance against the National Socialist dictatorship 1933–1945. Bonn (Federal Agency for Civic Education) and Berlin 2004, p. 33ff.
  • Beatrix Herlemann : In a losing position: Communist resistance in World War II. The ankle organization. Bonn 1986.
  • Luise Kraushaar among others: German resistance fighters 1933–1945. Biographies and letters. Dietz, Berlin 1970, Volume 1, pp. 116-120.
  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen. 1808-1996. Biographical index (= political and parliamentary history of the state of Hesse. Vol. 14 = publications of the Historical Commission for Hesse. Vol. 48, 7). Elwert, Marburg 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , p. 74.
  • Detlev Peukert : The KPD in resistance. Persecution and underground work on the Rhine and Ruhr 1933 to 1945. Hammer, Wuppertal 1980, ISBN 3-87294-165-8 .
  • Hans Georg Ruppel, Birgit Groß: Hessian MPs 1820–1933. Biographical evidence for the estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse (2nd Chamber) and the Landtag of the People's State of Hesse (= Darmstädter Archivschriften. Vol. 5). Verlag des Historisches Verein für Hessen, Darmstadt 1980, ISBN 3-922316-14-X , p. 65.
  • Klaus-Dieter Rack, Bernd Vielsmeier: Hessian MPs 1820–1933. Biographical evidence for the first and second chambers of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse 1820–1918 and the state parliament of the People's State of Hesse 1919–1933 (= Political and parliamentary history of the State of Hesse. Vol. 19 = Work of the Hessian Historical Commission. NF Vol. 29) . Hessian Historical Commission, Darmstadt 2008, ISBN 978-3-88443-052-1 , pp. 161–162.
  • Hermann Weber , Andreas Herbst: German communists. Biographisches Handbuch 1918 to 1945. 2nd, revised and greatly expanded edition. Karl Dietz, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 (online) .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ruppel / Groß give Friedrich as their first name (and Wilhelm as their first name).
  2. Communist Resistance 1933 - 1945 on www.ddr-biografien.de
  3. Ruppel / Groß and Rack indicate their father's profession not as a metalworker, but as a white tanner
  4. Brève histoire du Secours Rouge International et de sa section belge ( Memento of March 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). In: Secoursrouge.org (French).