Hans Stosch-Sarrasani

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Hans Stosch-Sarrasani (junior) (born February 15, 1897 in Sorau , † July 9, 1941 in Berlin ) was a German circus director from the Sarrasani circus family .


Grave monument of the Stosch-Sarrasani family on the Tolkewitz urn grove

Hans Stosch-Sarrasani jun. resigned after the death of his father, the circus director Hans Stosch-Sarrasani sen. , Succeeded him in 1934. He split the company and reduced staff, animals and artists. On April 13, 1935, he married the musician and dancer Gertrud Helene (Trude) Kunz (1913–2009) in Buenos Aires.

In 1938 he bought the Radebeul Villa Neufriedstein  1 in the Niederlößnitz district as a residence and "retreat for deserving Sarrasani artists". From 1940 his company operated as the Sächsischer Heimatzirkus . In 1941 Hans Stosch-Sarrasani junior died. during a guest performance in Berlin. He was buried in the Tolkewitz urn grove .

The Sarrasani-Theater Circustheater der 5000 , which was permanently built in 1912 in Dresden on Königin-Carola-Platz , was destroyed in the air raids on Dresden on February 13, 1945 and was not rebuilt afterwards. The residential buildings that were later built there are now along Sarrasanistraße , with a fountain and a memorial plaque as well.

In 1948 Trude Stosch-Sarrasani moved to Argentina. There she ran the Circo Sarrasani-Shanri La with interruptions until 1972. Twenty years later, in 1992, she visited Dresden and Radebeul, where she donated her artist's retirement home on Neufriedstein to the Diakonie. This had the old building demolished and built the modern Diakonie Neufriedstein nursing home on the same site . In 1999 a street in Radebeul was given the name of the circus family in their presence.

In 2000 he was voted one of the “100 Dresdeners of the 20th Century” in the daily newspaper “ Dresdner Latest News ”.


  • Frank Andert (Red.): Radebeul City Lexicon . Historical manual for the Loessnitz . Published by the Radebeul City Archives. 2nd, slightly changed edition. City archive, Radebeul 2006, ISBN 3-938460-05-9 .

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Individual evidence

  1. 100 Dresden residents of the 20th century . In: Dresdner Latest News . Dresdner Nachrichten GmbH & Co. KG, Dresden December 31, 1999, p. 22 .