Hans von Torgau

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Hans von Torgau (* around 1460 ; † end of 1520 ), also Hans Meltwitz (after the town of Meltwitz near Torgau ), was a German stonemason and sculptor who brought the Upper Saxon late Gothic into its final phase.


Hans is first mentioned in 1481 when the Albrechtsburg Castle was being built in Meißen and became Parlier after 1490 . He directed the construction of Wittenberg Castle from 1493 to 1496 and designed the choir vaults and the sacristy for the Torgauer Marienkirche . The designs of the Franciscan Church in Torgau before 1517 and the Church of St. Wolfgang in Schneeberg (1515–1540) are attributed to him.

Shortly after Hans' death, in January 1521, his widow donated half of his fortune to the city council to support the completion of the Schneeberger Wolfgang church.


  • Ludger Alscher et al .: Lexicon of Art. Architecture, fine arts, applied arts, industrial design, art theory. Volume I, The European Book, West Berlin 1984, p. 183.

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