Haplochromis eduardianus

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Haplochromis eduardianus
Haplochromis eduardianus2.jpg

Haplochromis eduardianus

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Haplochromini
Genre : Haplochromis
Type : Haplochromis eduardianus
Scientific name
Haplochromis eduardianus
( Boulenger , 1914)

Haplochromis eduardianus ( Syn. : Schubotzia eduardiana ) is an African cichlid that in East Africa in Lake George , in the Lake Edward occurs and Kazinga channel, the connection between the two lakes.


The fish have a typical, beefy cichlid shape and reach a maximum standard length of 12.5 cm. The body height is 33.7% to 39.3% of the standard length, the head length is between 32.5% and 37.8% of the standard length. The head profile is straight. It rises at an angle of 35 ° to 45 ° relative to the horizontal. The tail stalk is 16.2% to 19.2% of the standard length and is 1.3 to 1.5 times as long as it is tall. The mouth is horizontal, the lips are slightly thickened.

Females and young males of Haplochromis eduardianus are silvery-gray in color with transparent fins. In the females the fins shimmer slightly yellowish-gray, in the young males slightly reddish. Adult males are bluish-gray with a rosy or orange tinge on the top of the head, the snout, the gill covers and the back of the body. The chest and the Branchiostegal membranes are blackish. The lower jaw, lips and lower margin of the preoperculum are bright blue. The cheeks may be orange-red. The dorsal fin is dark with red or orange stripes between the fin rays and a reddish-orange shimmer in the soft-rayed part. The caudal fin is transparent with a reddish tinge, especially in the upper part. The anal fin is bluish to blackish with yolk-yellow egg spots, the pelvic fins are blackish.

Way of life

Almost nothing is known about the way of life of Haplochromis eduardianus . Most of the specimens were caught near the coast near reed beds over sandy or muddy soil. The open water in the middle of the lake seems to avoid the species. Stomach examinations revealed remains of insects.


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