Harald Gutschow

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Harald Gutschow (born December 2, 1927 , † November 5, 1998 ) was professor for didactics of English language and literature at the Berlin University of Education from 1971 to 1980, and at the Free University of Berlin from 1980 to 1985 .

life and work

In the wake of the " Hamburg Agreement for the Unification in the Field of Schooling" of 1964, which made "English lessons for everyone" compulsory, Gutschow developed a school-type-specific methodology for teaching English at elementary and secondary schools, which he wrote in books and essays as well as in the magazine Englisch (at Cornelsen ), which he co-founded and published . These methodological principles, which have also been recognized as groundbreaking for English teaching at other types of schools, were put into practice in the first textbook for English at secondary schools, English H , as well as in the associated teacher manuals (also by Cornelsen ).

Harald Gutschow died in 1998 at the age of 70. His grave is in the Dahlem Forest Cemetery in Berlin.

Book publications

  • English in elementary schools. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1964
  • English at secondary schools. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1967 (8th edition 1973)
  • Differentiation of performance in English lessons at secondary school. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1968.
  • Systematic practice in English lessons in secondary school: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation. Lütjensee: Albrecht, 1970.
  • (Ed.) English reprints. Selected articles from the first five volumes of the magazine Englisch: 1966 - 1970. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1971.
  • (Ed.) English reprints. Selected articles from the 1971-1975 volumes of the magazine Englisch. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1976.
  • (Ed.) English. Didactics - Methodology - Language - Regional Studies'. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1974.
  • A methodology of elementary English teaching. Problems and forms of work Berlin: Cornelsen, 1978
  • English on the blackboard. Suggestions for blackboard drawing. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1980
  • English class. Language: 5 - 10. Munich: Urban and Schwarzenberg, 1981


  • Harks-Hanke, Ingrid & Zydatiß, Wolfgang (eds.): 1945 - 1985. Forty years of teaching English for everyone. Festschrift for Harald Gutschow. Berlin: Cornelsen, 1986

Notes and sources

  1. See "Obituary Harald Gutschow", in: Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, 52nd vol., Heft 1 (1999), p. 71.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 581.

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