Hardline (subculture)

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Hardline is a deep ecology- oriented split from the straight-edge scene, which was particularly widespread within this in the 1990s.


The hardline movement was a form of straight edge hardcore in the 1990s. Members of the New York straight edge scene were involved in its creation. John Porcell of Youth of Today formed the band Project X with members of Gorilla Biscuits , Side by Side and Judge , which released a 7-inch single in 1987 . Straight Edge Revenge was characterized by texts that called for violence against those who think differently.

“I'm as straight as the line that you sniff up your nose
I'm as hard as the booze that you swill down your throat
I'm as bad as the shit you breath into your lungs
And I'll fuck you up as fast as the pill on your tongue "

"I am so straightforward / strict / direct / purposeful / self-confident [Note:" straight "is meant here with two meanings, also refers to" sober ", but the most apt term is" straight "itself in the sense of Anglicism, since it is in German no equivalent exists; see also "mind"], like the coke line [anglicism] that you pull through your nose
I'm as hard as the alcohol you pour into your throat
I'm as bad as the shit you pull into your lungs
And I'll fuck your life as fast as the pill on your tongue. "

- Project X : Straight Edge Revenge

Shortly thereafter, a violent straight edge scene emerged, the aggressive behavior of which led to the fact that the bands of the founding members of Project X of all people broke up and their members left the straight edge scene for a while. With the Hardline Manifesto , published on the Vegan-Reich single Hardline in 1990, the movement found both its name and its definition. Hardline defined himself as the radical arm of the straight edge, who actively fights against everything that he considers to be unnatural. In addition to the rejected addictive substances of the straight edge, this also included abortion , homosexuality and all forms of violence against animals. Hardline saw itself as a movement that was ready to use violence at any time to achieve its goals. The hardline movement attacked people who thought differently, especially within the straight edge culture, mostly at concerts or other meeting places. In part there was a connection to the militant Animal Liberation Front .

Sean Muttaqi from Vegan Reich was her mouthpiece. He spread his views through the fanzine Vanguard and his record company Hardline Records. Another representative was Raid . Earth Crisis were also included in the hardline movement in the first few years.

Inside the scene

The activities of the hardline activists were often directed against their own scene. Ian MacKaye , founder of the band Minor Threat and a kind of forefather of the straight edge movement, reports that the hardliners also began to attack minor threat concerts for some time. They would have sent him a letter with an ultimatum - here you have the chance to find out about animal rights, and if you don't learn, then you have forfeited your status as a living being. Hardliners then showed up at Minor Threat's concerts, harassing the audience and trying to disrupt the concerts. The reasons they gave were that, on the one hand, Minor Threat spoke out in favor of abortions and, on the other hand, did not address their eating habits. The minor threat band members were vegan or vegetarian, but mostly lived this for themselves without making an issue of it. For MacKaye, this behavior had a lot to do with gang membership. The straight-edge scene and the hardline scene in particular attracted young men looking for an opportunity to act out violence. Often they left the scene a few years later and actually started careers of violent criminals.


In the USA and Great Britain in particular , Hardline found a large number of supporters, but these were never as radical as Muttaqi put it in his manifesto. In the late 1990s, Muttaqi distanced itself from the hardline movement and adopted the Islamic name Sayyid Muttaqi. He founded the Islamist network Taliy'ah Al Mahdi, which only existed for a short time. Today hardline is only a marginal phenomenon of the hardcore punk scene and has largely become insignificant.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Wood: Straightedge Youth. Complexity and Contradictions of a Subculture . Syracuse University Press, New York 2006, ISBN 0-8156-3127-8 , pp. 45-46 .
  2. ^ Project X: Straight Edge Revenge , Bridge 9 Records , re-release 2005
  3. a b Gabriel Kuhn: Straight Edge. History and politics of a movement . Münster 2010, ISBN 978-3-89771-108-2 , pp. 24-27 .
  4. Hardline Records at Discogs
  5. cf. Christian Kruse: Earth Crisis - a man of conviction . In: Metal Hammer . September 2011, p. 42 .
  6. ^ Gabriel Kuhn: Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics . PM Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-60486-051-1 , pp. 38-42 .
  7. a b Gabriel Kuhn: Straight Edge. History and politics of a movement . S. 26 .
  8. See The Kids will have their Jihad ?! In: CEE IEH , # 113, September 2004.