Haremhab (Ramses II.)

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Haremhab in hieroglyphics
G5 Aa15

Haremhab / Horemheb
(Har em hab) / (Hor em heb)
Ḥr m ḥ3b / Ḥr m ḥb
Horus in the festival

Haremhab , also Horemheb , was a high ancient Egyptian official under Ramses II. He carried the title of asset manager and was also a senior official in the ruler's mortuary temple . Haremhab is best known for parts of his burial chapel .

To person

Haremhab in front of a djed pillar

Little is known about the person of the haremhab. Among other things, he carried the titles of frond bearer to the right of the king , king scribe (Sesch-nesu; Sš-nsw ) and asset manager (Imi-ra-per; Jmj-r3-pr ). Another title is only partially preserved. The remains are: … in the house of the User-maat-Re-setep-en-Re, in the temple of Amun . "User-maat-Re-setep-en-Re" is the throne name of Ramses II. The house of User-maat-Re perhaps refers to the ruler's mortuary temple, the Ramesseum , where the haremhab apparently held a leading position. Other temples of the ruler are also possible.

His grave

The haremhab's grave was in Saqqara but has not yet been located more precisely. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Apa Jeremias monastery was excavated in Saqqara .

There were numerous blocks of tombs from the time of the Pharaohs , including blocks from the haremhab's tomb, built into the monastery . Numerous fragments can be reassembled into scenes. Various representations of Haremhab before various deities were found on the blocks decorated in relief . There were several scenes showing him and his wife Ty in front of Osiris , at least once Ptah is shown. Once, Haremhab stands praying in front of a Djed pillar .


  • James Quibell : Excavations of Saqqara (1908-9, 1909-10): The Monastery of Apa Jeremias , Cairo 1912, plate LXXIII-IV