Harry Ruff

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Harry Ruff, 2016

Harry Wilhelmowitsch Ruff , Ukrainian Гарри Вильгельмович Руфф (* 4. March 1931 in Oseriwka , Rajon Wyssokopillja , Ukrainian SSR ) is a Ukrainian painter of German descent.


Ruff was the son of a Black Sea German teacher family. In 1941, because of their German origins , he and his family were deported from the Ukrainian SSR to Siberia , where they lived in a special settlement until 1956 . Through contact with Siberian painters who were also deported, Ruff received his first painting lessons at the art school in Irkutsk . Then at the age of 19 he worked as a painter at the Dramatic Theater of the Siberian city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky . In 1959 Harry Ruff returned to the Ukraine and worked as a type designer in Makijiwka .


Ruff is a representative of panel painting . Since 1990 he has exhibited his pictures in regional, national and international exhibitions and participates in creative groups.

Financed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) “funding measures for the benefit of the German minority in Ukraine” , Ruff was a speaker at several events. In March 2015 he showed his work at the international exhibition in the European Parliament in Brussels, which was entitled “Who can give us peace”.

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 , Ruff has been working on the picture series "Churches of Ukraine" since 2014, whereby the Council of Germans of Ukraine , the Lutheran Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Odessa) and the BMI with the charity fund "Society for Development" supported.

Some of Ruff's works are in the holdings of Ukrainian museums; others are in private collections in Austria, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Israel, Canada, China, Russia, Croatia and the USA .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Biography on uc.kr.ua, ( Memento from February 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on January 28, 2019
  2. a b film about "our best": Harry Ruff . In: deutsche.in.ua
  3. a b c d Harry Ruff. Short biography (PDF, pp. 20/21) on rusdeutsch.ru
  4. ↑ Funding measures in favor of the German minority in Ukraine ( Memento from February 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Federal Ministry of the Interior