Harry W. Gerstad

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Harry W. Gerstad (actually Harry Donald Gerstad ; born June 11, 1909 , † July 17, 2002 ) was an award-winning American film editor .


Harry Donald Gerstad was the son of the silent film cameraman Harry W. Gerstad. Having grown up in Hollywood, he soon came into contact with the film industry. He worked as a laboratory assistant for Hal Roach , Warner Bros. and RKO Pictures .

After the Second World War he became a film editor at RKO. The director and editing expert Edward Dmytryk was his mentor. In 1949 he was brought to Columbia Pictures by Stanley Kramer . There he worked in the film editing department as editing supervisor (roughly translatable as "editing supervisor") and as executive editor, and won two Academy Awards in these roles. He also worked as an editor and in some cases as a director for television productions. In the 1960s he then worked for Bing Crosby's production company, for 20th Century Fox and for John Wayne's Batjac .

In 1973, Herry W. Gerstad retired from film and spent the rest of his life in Palm Springs with his wife Jody.


Filmography (selection)

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