Hartmut Lang

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Hartmut Lang (born October 11, 1943 ) is a German ethnologist .


After receiving his doctorate in 1974 at the University of Hamburg in the subjects of ethnology (major), history and linguistics, he carried out field research among the Mahria (Arabic-speaking camel nomads) in North Dafur (Sudan) from 1980 to 1981. From 1986 to 1993 he headed the project “Causes of violent conflicts on the micro level in Third World countries” in the priority program of the German Research Foundation “The Origin of Militant Conflicts in the Third World” together with Thomas Schweizer . After his  habilitation in 1987 at the University of Cologne , he taught as a private lecturer in Cologne from 1987 to 2000 ; Substitute professorships at the Universities of Bonn , Tübingen , Hamburg and Bielefeld . From 1995 to 2000 he carried out a research project on demography of arid areas and ethnography of commercial cattle ranches within the SFB 389. From 2000 to 2008 he taught as a professor (C4) for ethnology at the University of Hamburg.

His main research interests are social ethnology, economic ethnology, methods of ethnography, computer applications and Namibia.

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  • as editors Clemens Greiner and Waltraud Kokot : Networks, resources and economic action. Ethnographic case studies in honor of Hartmut Lang (= Kulturanalysen. Volume 9). Reimer, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-496-02826-0 .

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