Hartwig Kuhlenbeck

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Hartwig Kuhlenbeck (born May 2, 1897 in Jena , † December 14, 1984 in Philadelphia ) was a German-American doctor and neuroanatomist.


He was the son of law professor Ludwig Kuhlenbeck and Helene born. Ayrians. First he attended high school in his hometown Jena and, after the family moved, the Domgymnasium Naumburg , where he obtained his school-leaving certificate in 1915. During the First World War he did military service as a lieutenant. From 1918 he first studied philosophy at the University of Jena with Rudolf Eucken and from 1921 medicine. In 1922 he was awarded the title of Doctor of Medicine. He was a ship's doctor and practiced in Mexico. There he married the American Ozelia Marguerite Proteau († 1982) in 1924. From 1924–1927 he lectured on neuroanatomy at the University of Tokyo. From 1927 to 1933 he was an assistant and later a lecturer at the Anatomical Institute of the University of Breslau .

With the beginning of the National Socialism , Kuhlenbeck opposed the Nazi regime. So he refused to work with National Socialist student organizations and the obligatory Hitler salute . In August 1933 he emigrated to the United States and received US citizenship in 1938. While working at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, he obtained his license to practice medicine . From 1935 he worked almost continuously at the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia , except for his military service during World War II, which he served as a captain or major in the US Army Medical Corps from 1944 to 1946. At Woman's Medical College he was initially Professor of Anatomy, from 1963 Research Professor of Neurobiology and from 1971 to 1982 Emeritus Professor of Anatomy.

Kuhlenbeck traveled a lot and gave guest lectures and lectures at international congresses in South America, Japan and Europe. He attended the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt and became a scientific member of the institute and the society in 1963. In 1965, Woman's Medical College awarded him an honorary degree.

Fonts (selection)

  • Lectures on the central nervous system of vertebrates. An introduction to brain anatomy on a comparative basis . Jena 1927, OCLC 688375735 .
  • The human diencephalon . Basel 1954, OCLC 251153756 .
  • The central nervous system of vertebrates: a general survey of its comparative anatomy with an introduction to the pertinent fundamental biologic and logical concepts. Karger, Basel 1978, OCLC 644281253 .
  • Brain, consciousness and reality . Darmstadt 1986, ISBN 3-7985-0705-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kuhlenbeck, Hartwig. In: Hannah Caplan (Hrsg.): Biographisches Handbuch der Deutschensprachigen Emigration nach 1933. Volume 2. Saur, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-598-10089-2 , p. 671 ( online )