Hartwig Othmer

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Hartwig Othmer (born September 11, 1963 in Gronau ) is a German lawyer.


Hartwig Othmer, who grew up on a farm in Wülfingen , graduated from high school in Hildesheim and then did basic military service in Celle , studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . There he passed the first state examination in September 1990. In February 1994 he successfully completed his legal training with the second state examination in the higher regional court district of Celle . Since March 1994 he worked in the Lower Saxony social justice system. From October 1997 to September 1999 he was seconded to the Federal Social Court as a research assistant . This was followed by another secondment in the same function from July 2000 to June 2001 to the Lower Saxony State Social Court . Outside of these periods, he worked as a judge at the Hildesheim Social Court until January 2004. The appointment as a judge at the Regional Social Court in February 2004, accompanied by the subsequent activity in this position at the Lower Saxony-Bremen Regional Social Court, was followed by the presentation of the certificate of appointment by BSG President Peter Masuch on 19. January 2011 as judge at the Federal Social Court. He is now pursuing this task in the Seventh and Eighth Senates.


  • New judge at the BSG Hartwig Othmer , juris from January 19, 2011