Hartwig von Dassel

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Hartwig von Dassel (* 1557 in Lüneburg ; † February 1608 ibid) was a councilor and legal scholar.


Hartwig came from the Lüneburg branch of those von Dassel , from which several mayors of the city of Lüneburg emerged. His father Ludolph († 1591) had been mayor there since 1575 . He studied at the University of Jena and from 1582 at the University of Ingolstadt . He then went on a study trip through Italy. In 1588, on the recommendation of Wiguleus Hund, he became a legal adviser in Vienna, particularly in the service of the two Archdukes Karl and Maximilian of Austria. He was considered a proponent of the witch hunt . In 1589 he became Sülzmeister at the Lüneburg salt works . Emperor Rudolf II made him Doctor of Laws in Prague in 1590 and then Imperial and Archduke Austrian Councilor.

In 1588 he married Anne von Düsterhopen († 1593). He entered into a second marriage in 1596 with Agathe von Halle, from which Johann Friedrich von Dassel († 1656) emerged.


  • Panegyrici tres continentes vitas et res gestas trium Imperatorum Constantini, Caroli et Otthonis. 1588 and 1589;
  • Consuetudines reipublicae Luneburgensis commentariis et additionibus illustratae. 1592 and 1598;
Digitized version , National I.-I.-Metschnikow University of Odessa
  • Responsum juris in causa poenali maleficarum Winsiensium. 1597;
  • Commentarius (de dividuis et individuis stipulationibus) explicans §. Cato leg. 4 pand. de verb. obligatory 1600;
  • Poematum libri IV. Accessit Epistolarum familiarum liber unus. 1603;
  • Consultationum decisivarum dubiorum seu quaestionum aliquot in jure controversarum Vol. 1 (unicum). 1607.

Under the title "Consuitudines inclytae reipublicae Luneburgensis" he pointed out in 1592 that in Lüneburg there were still no clear differences between the terms city law, statute and customary law. The Göttingen law professor Christian Gottlieb Riccius agreed with this assessment.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Oestmann: Diversity of law in court : application of law and particular law in the old empire. 2002, p. 35 , accessed July 28, 2010 .