Hasegawa Yoshioki

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"Kyōiku-tō", Osaka

Hasegawa Yoshioki ( Japanese 長谷川 義 起 , actually Hasegawa Katsuyuki ( 長谷川 勝 之 ); born March 3, 1892 in Toyama Prefecture ; † February 20, 1974 ) was a Japanese sculptor of the Taishō and Shōwa period .

life and work

Hasegawa Yoshioki graduated from the sculpture department of the "Tōkyō Bijutsu Gakkō" ( 東京 美術 学校 ), the forerunner of today's Tōkyō Geijutsu Daigaku . His sculpture ( 霊 光 Reikō ) was accepted for the 2nd  Teiten exhibition in 1920. At the 12th Teiten exhibition, his work “Diskus” ( 円 盤 Emban ) was mentioned with praise, so that from then on he could exhibit without a jury. In 1932 he took part in the art competition during the Olympic Games in Los Angeles with the sculpture "Discus Throw" ( 円 盤 投 げ Emban nage ), in 1936 he took part in the art competition on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Berlin. The submitted sculptures "Wrestling Techniques of Champions", "Rings, National Sport ", "Golf, Bobby Jones Drift-Punch" and "Wrestling - Done!" Were not awarded, after all, "Wrestling Techniques of Champions" received an honorable mention. Athletes and athletes on the move were and will remain his central themes.

After the Pacific War he became a juror of the exhibition series now called Nitten , board member of the "Nihon Chōko Club" ( 日本 彫塑 ク ラ ブ ), chairman of the "Nihon Yōchō-kai" ( 日本 陶 彫 会 ) and board member of the "Hokuyō Bijutsu-kai “( 北 陽 美術 会 ).

Hasegawa's works are also worth mentioning: his award-winning, sculptural exterior design “Hell-Dunkel” ( 明暗 Mei-an ) of the memorial in memory of the Muroto typhoon ( 室 戸 台風 ) 1934 A 1 , “Four” ( 四 ツ ) A 2 and "Ryōgamae" ( 両 構 ) A 3 with the wrestler Taihō ( 大鵬 像 ). In 1974 he was awarded the "Konjuhō Medal" ( 紺 綬 褒 章 ) A 4 shortly before his death .


A 1This typhoon devastated Osaka. For the many schoolchildren and their teachers who perished in the process, a memorial was erected called "Kyōiku-tō" ( 教育 塔 ) - Pagoda of Education.
A 2These are the two sumo wrestlers Umegatani ( 梅 ケ 谷 ) and Hitachiyama ( 常 陸 山 ).
A 3 With Ryogamae the mutual starting position of the competition in a crouched position is called.
A 4Japanese Order of Merit on a dark blue ribbon. It is awarded for financial support for the community.


  • Laurance P. Roberts: Hasegawa Yoshioki . In: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists . Weatherhill, 1976. ISBN 0-8348-0113-2 .

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