Hasso Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen

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Alexander Maximilian Hasso Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen (born May 1, 1935 in Hildesheim ) is a retired German Brigadier General . D. and Defense Attaché .


Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen was born in Hildesheim in 1935 as the son of Wehrmacht officer Harald Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen , who would later become a Brigadier General of the Bundeswehr.

He joined the Bundeswehr in 1956 and was trained as an officer. From 1966 to 1968 he completed the general staff course (H) at the command and control academy of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg. He later also completed an apprenticeship in the USA. 1970/71 Colonel i. G. Freiherr von Uslar-Gleichen was an Army Attaché at the German Embassy in Washington, DC from 1978 to 1981. From 1981 to 1983 he was the Army Section Leader at the Command Academy of the German Armed Forces in Hamburg. He then became commander of the 36th Panzer Brigade in Bad Mergentheim. From 1986 to 1990 he was Brigadier General Defense Attaché at the German Embassy in Washington, DC After the end of his four-power status via Berlin, he became the first site commander of the Bundeswehr in Berlin in 1990 as commander of the Defense District Command (VBK 100) . In 1995 he was retired.

From 1993 to 2000 he was head of the Berlin regional district of the Clausewitz Society .

He is married and has two children, including Tania Freiin von Uslar-Gleichen , current Vice President of the Federal Intelligence Service .


Individual evidence

  1. Viktor Toyka , Rüdiger Kracht: Clausewitz Society. Chronicle 1961–2011 . Published by the Clausewitz-Gesellschaft, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-9810794-6-3 , p. 271.