Hatiora rosea

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Hatiora rosea
Hatiora rosea 1a.JPG

Hatiora rosea

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Rhipsalideae
Genre : Hatiora
Type : Hatiora rosea
Scientific name
Hatiora rosea
( Warehouse ) Barthlott
Pollen grain from Hatiora rosea

Hatiora rosea is a species of plant in the genus Hatiora from the cactus family(Cactaceae) and a hybrid parent of the "Easter cactus" ( Hatiora × graeseri ). The specific epithet rosea comes from Latin , means 'rose-like' and refers to the color of the flowers.


Hatiora rosea usually grows with one to three upright main shoots . The flat or three to hexagonal, initially reddish, later dark green shoot segments are concave on the sides and 2 to 4 centimeters long. The edges are notched two or three times. The areoles are located along the edges and the tip of the shoots. They are covered with a few, fine bristles.

The broad, funnel-shaped, pink flowers are 3 to 4 inches long and have the same diameter. The yellowish fruits are depressed spherical.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

The distribution area of Hatiora rosea extends from the Brazilian state Paraná to Rio Grande do Sul , where it grows in the cloud forest at altitudes of 1000 to 2000 meters. It was first described as Rhipsalis rosea in 1912 by Nils Gustaf Lagerheim . Wilhelm Barthlott placed them in the genus Hatiora in 1987 .

In the Red List of Threatened Species of IUCN is the species as " Near Threatened (NT)", d. H. listed as low risk.



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , p. 205.
  2. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift Utgifven af Svenska Botaniska Foreningen . Volume 6, Stockholm 1912, p. 717.
  3. Bradleya . Volume 5, 1987, p. 100.
  4. Hatiora rosea in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Taylor, NP & Zappi, D., 2010. Retrieved January 26, 2014.

Web links

Commons : Schlumbergera rosea  - Collection of images, videos and audio files