Hattinger Prize for Young Literature

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The Hattinger Prize for Young Literature is a German literary prize that has been awarded since 1991.


Young writers between 16 and 25 years of age should have the opportunity to present themselves and their texts. The prose or lyric texts must be written in German and have not yet been published.


The sponsorship award is awarded by KUBISCHU (Kulturinitiative Hattingen Ruhr), the Förderverein Stadtmuseum Hattingen and the city of Hattingen and consists of a paid reading by the winners, organized by the sponsors.

Prize winners (extract)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. kubischu.de accessed on December 28, 2013
  2. Hattinger Prize for Young Literature awarded for the 25th time: literary crown for Linda König. Retrieved October 19, 2019 .