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A Hauderei is a transport company whose fleet in earlier times consisted of carriages (in some regions also sleighs in winter). The operator of a dealership is called a Hauderer .


The 19th century hauliers, which arose in large numbers, transported passengers and also furniture, coal, beer and other goods in larger transport carriages ( better : with carts ). Often, however, they also took on orders such as the transport of patients or corpses or rented their horses as pit horses to collieries . From the 1920s onwards, with the advent and widespread use of motor vehicles , the dealings lost their importance.


Hauderer is the name for the profession of wage carters or coachman ; also for carters with their own team . In 1811 , the regulations for wage coachmen were compiled in a so-called Haudererordnung .

Fights today

Even today there are still dealings, some of which deal with pleasure rides, but also with the provision of wedding carriages. In one area, the name has also been used by companies that have vehicles in their fleet, even if the name hacking no longer means anything to many. As highly specialized subcontractors , they are mainly responsible for transporting corpses. Especially in the Ruhr area, but also in the Bergisches Land, there are numerous funeral directors that do not have their own funeral vehicle. The transport of the corpses is carried out by the hauliers who equip their vehicles with changing boards that show the name of the respective funeral home. Customers do not notice that a subcontractor is working here.

Funeral homes have emerged from many dealerships, as fewer and fewer carpenters are still making coffins themselves and this activity is now almost exclusively carried out by large coffin factories. In addition to the task of transporting corpses, many hauliers also had to store and equip coffins; So the step to an independent funeral home was no longer big.


In earlier times, the spurring on of horses by vigorous shouting was referred to as flogging ; later the outdated term was used for driving a rental car .

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe used the term Haudern in his works, for example, in the sentence: "Ekles Schwindeln hesitates in front of my forehead your Haudern" or "I drove from Leipzig in the comfortable car of a Hauderer" .

The old commercial road on the northern bank of the Danube from Linz to Grein was known as Haudererstraße until the middle of the 20th century . The Haudersmühle , a district of Michelau in the Steigerwald in Bavaria, got its name from the Hauderei there.