Hartwig Steenken

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Hartwig Steenken (1973)

Hartwig Steenken (born July 23, 1941 in Twistringen ; † January 10, 1978 in Hanover ) was a German show jumper .

He is still considered one of the best jumping saddle stylists of all time. He celebrated his greatest successes with the mare Simona († 1987), with whom he a. a. 1974 World Champion in Hickstead . He trained a dark brown Hanoverian gelding as a show jumping horse, which after his death under Paul Schockemöhle became one of the most successful show jumpers in the world as a Deister .

Hartwig Steenken died on January 10, 1978 in the intensive care unit of the Hannover Medical School after a car accident.

For his equestrian achievements, he was awarded the Silver Laurel Leaf on September 11, 1972 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sports report from the Federal Government to the Bundestag from September 29, 1973 - Printed matter 7/1040 - page 73 (pdf , 1.86 MB)


  • Eckhard F. Schröter: The happiness of this earth. Life and career of German show jumpers . Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt a. M. 1980. ISBN 3-596-23019-5