House Domagojević

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The House of Domagojević was a medieval ruling dynasty of Croats who temporarily ruled over the Duchy of Croatia , the so-called Dalmatian Croatia, in the 9th century . It is named after Knes Domagoj, who ruled from 864 to 876 .

Representation of a delegation of Croats and Serbs to the Byzantine emperor Basil I at the time of the Domagojević dynasty ( Madrid illuminated manuscript of the Skylitz )


According to the few and sparse sources from that time, the Domagojevićs came from a noble family, most likely from the so-called Pagania on the east coast of the Adriatic, populated by Croats or Narentans . In the middle of the 9th century they owned properties in the Knin area . After the ruler of Croatia, Prince Trpimir I died in 864, Domagoj took power by force and ruled for about twelve years.

Domagoj followed his son (Ilko / Iljko?) In 876 . There was an overthrow as early as 878 when Zdeslav , one of the sons of Trpimir, took power with the help of the Byzantine Empire . A little later, Zdeslav was overthrown and killed by Branimir .

Branimir was possibly a son of Domagoj and ruled with the support of Pope John VIII , who addressed him as Duke of the Croats ( dux Croatorum ) in 879 , which is equivalent to state recognition. The rule of Branimir lasted until the beginning of the last decade of the 9th century. In 892 Muncimir , Trpimir's youngest son, took power. This ended the power struggle of the two medieval dynasties over medieval Croatia , in the course of which the Trpimirović dynasty prevailed against that of the Domagojević. This also meant that Croatia turned to the Byzantine Empire .

Well-known rulers

See also

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